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soufflé much?


soufflé much?

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a person is like a soufflé

one minute light and airy

looking delicious and so unbelievable

and the next minute…

even with all your special care and babying..

well ..it really only takes the slightest

little wrong move…

and the soufflé…

just sinks.

but the secret  to great soufflé

is not such a secret.

it is just as delicious

even more so..in my opinion

because the texture gets  slightly denser

and the flavor all the more fuller…

even if it doesn’t look

as pretty as you thought from the outside…

so …

after hosting my mother for the weekend

and a truly lovely & enjoyable weekend it was…

Tunie B. & her Savta…

I can not compete….(with Tunie, her Savta – will win every time!)

I have realized

my ….

mother driven complexes & issues (and we all have them…don’t lie)

give me no reason to revert back to my teenage years (where I of course, knew best)

and instead

I need to take all the loving and well intentioned advice

& ….critique, (yes mother you are a critical person – but I LOVE YOU)



I just might learn a thing or two.

I am a souffle

and advice and critique

as harsh as I might  initially perceive it


with the knowledge that

a soufflé  will always sink

no matter how much you baby it… or don’t

and for that reason, and reason alone,

even if I sink a little at first…

those always loving mother moments…

it really makes this soufflé, richer…

and better…

and I should know… will make me all the more darn good



Ricotta Souffle

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Lately some of my friends have started the Dukan Diet. Not for me so much, very hard and restrictive, and I just love food to much…but for them it works.

Feeling badly for them and challenged by their diet restrictions, I have been tinkering in the kitchen with some recipes that they can enjoy and make them able to still come to my house for dinner! This Ricotta Souffle is one of my experiments, that Dukan Diet or not, I would eat for breakfast or lunch any time. Perfectly light and actually quite satisfying.

The Dukan Diet does not allow for any fat whatsoever or any sugar, so this had to be made with Fat Free ricotta and splenda. However, I am giving the whole milk ricotta version, with sugar because it is the way I prefer to make them and still really not so fattening. Just substitute according to your diet preference.



4 egg whites

3 egg yolks

1 1/4 cup ricotta cheese (fat free or whole)

2 tsp. sugar or splenda


pre-heat oven to 375F

In a mixer, whip the egg whites till lightt and airy and soft peaks form.

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In a separate bowl, mix the egg yolks, ricotta cheese and sugar together till just blended.

Add the ricotta cheese mixture into the egg whites, and fold gently until just combined.

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Take a 9 x 13 tin and place 5  3inch deep ramekin dishes into the pan.

Separate the ricotta batter evenly among the ramekins and then fill the pan with water 3/4 way up the ramekin.

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Place in oven and bake for about 15-20 minutes or until soufflé has risen and turned slightly brown on top.

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Serve immediately if you want to keep them high, light and airy

or later when they has sunk a little in the middle and are a little denser and more flavorful.

either way is delicious. I sometimes sprinkle a little more sugar on top for garnish.






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